Research trip in Nepal
The Accountable Adaptation team spent two weeks in Kathmandu and Karnali Province in Nepal, alongside our collaborators Practical Action. During our time there, we sought to build networks, share methodological insights and promote future collaboration.
Accountable Adaptation at COP28
Several of the Accountable Adaptation team were at COP 28 following the negotiations around adaptation finance and the global goal on adaptation.
Accountable Adaptation at the 17th Community-Based Adaptation conference
Dharam Uprety, Nepal lead for the project, and Susannah Fisher led a session with practitioners on how they thought metrics shaped action.
Welcoming the new Accountable Adaptation team
We are very excited to have our new team joining the project. Biraj Adhikari, Jonathan Barnes and Aishath Green have all joined the project in the last few months from careers in universities, international organisations and policy institutes.
Team meeting in Kathmandu
Part of the team met in Kathmandu in November to take forward the research and policy engagement in Nepal.