Welcoming the new Accountable Adaptation team

We are very excited to have new members of our team joining the project. Biraj Adhikari, Jonathan Barnes and Aishath Green have all joined the project in the last few months from careers in universities, international organisations and policy institutes.

Joining us from Kathmandu in Nepal, Biraj is our new Post-Doctoral Research Fellow who will be focussing specifically on national questions of adaptation action and measurement. Biraj recently completed his PhD on biodiversity and is enjoying getting stuck in on climate change planning and politics.

In London, we are joined by Jon, our Post-Doctoral Research Fellow focussed on knowledge practices within international climate finance with a PhD looking at the Green Climate Fund. Aishath is joining us from the Development Planning Unit as a Research Manager. She will be supporting with the coordination of the research programme and conducting research into the UN negotiations on the global goal on adaptation. 

September 2023


Accountable Adaptation at the 17th Community-Based Adaptation conference


Team meeting in Kathmandu