Accountable Adaptation at the 17th Community-Based Adaptation conference

Susannah Fisher and Dharam Uprety travelled to the 17th Community-Based Adaptation conference in May in Bangkok to convene conversations with practitioners on the role of measurement in addressing adaption and to understand their perspectives in what is important.

The team led a session exploring the role that measurement might play in improving implementation.

Susannah led the plenary session and highlighted the key issues around metrics such as whose knowledge counts? How do metrics shape action? How do global frameworks support local action? After the introduction, the session broke into a world cafe with partners from Global Resilience Partnership and the International Institute for Environment and Development also convening smaller tables to discuss issues in detail.

The table led by Accountable Adaptation explored places where metrics had actually shaped action in positive or negative ways, looking for examples or research questions that needed further investigation.

May 2023 


COP28 agreement on adapting to climate change kicks the real challenge down the road


Welcoming the new Accountable Adaptation team