Research & Policy Approach

Research Questions

Investigating how approaches to monitoring and evaluating climate change adaptation investment shape financing, policies and practice.

A billboard featuring fixing the climate finance poster

Our research is guided by four overarching research questions:

  • How have different approaches to adaptation measurement emerged and become established?

  • How have ideas of adaptation measurement shaped the framing and allocation of international and bilateral climate finance?

  • How has the measurement of international adaptation finance shaped national adaptation action?

  • How do interactions between actors, measurement tools, and local contexts shape the practice of measurement? How are new forms of accountability emerging?

Our Research Approach

​​See here for our participant information

Policy Engagement


We engage national and international policymakers in our research through processes of co-production to shape our research and to feed back our findings to inform policies and investment. 

Internationally, the project team will regularly engage with the community around UNFCCC meetings, board meetings of climate funds and other convening opportunities for adaptation practitioners. As the project progresses we will convene expert roundtables to explore the findings of the research and new areas of interest. 


Shaping Global Adaptation Goals

Our work has particular relevance for ongoing policy conversations on the global goal on adaptation and the global stocktake within the UNFCCC negotiations, as well as wider debates on climate finance and accountability.

Global Goal on Adaptation

The Paris Agreement established a global goal on adaptation to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change. We have been tracking the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal to understand the process, and to feed in our research insights where possible to ensure the goal supports ambition and inclusion.

People walking around a grand building with a majestic dome, showcasing architectural beauty in Dubai.

Global Stocktake

The current assessment of progress towards mitigation and adaptation goals is concluding at COP 28 in Dubai. The global process takes place every five years. We seek to engage and support this process to consider how progress on adaptation is measured and how the concepts of effective and adequate adaptation are being developed, see for example our paper in this UNEP perspective.