Accountable Adaptation is a global team with several international partners and a core team based in London at the Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction, UCL. We are in the process of adding more team members to this page.
Susannah Fisher
Principal Investigator
Jonathan Barnes
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Biraj Adhikari
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Aishath Green
Research Manager
Dharam Uprety
Charles Tonui
Joanes Atela
Susmita Puri
Research Assistant
Akinyi Eurallyah
Fellowship Manager
Practical Action
Practical Action is an international development organisation that works to create a world that is better for everyone through different projects based on learning, innovative approaches and best practices. It has extensive experience in implementing various projects related to technical assistance and climate change adaptation.
Africa Research & Impact Network
ARIN is an impact platform that brings together a network of scholars and policymakers across Africa working on issues such as climate change adaptation. Their core focus is to engage in peer learning and sharing of good transformative research and impact practices.
Advisory Committee
Accountable Adaptation draws on an expert team of international advisors who support our research and policy engagement.