Research trip in Nepal

The Accountable Adaptation team spent two weeks in Kathmandu and Karnali Province in Nepal, alongside our collaborators Practical Action. During our time there, we sought to build networks, share methodological insights and promote future collaboration. Initial interviews were conducted in Kathmandu with the organisations responsible for accessing Green Climate Fund resources, and the team visited key stakeholders at the Provincial and Ward level in Karnali Province. We met local actors involved in the Ward’s adaptation projects who shared insights about their experiences and feedback channels, feeding into the deisgn of a novel accountability mechanism. Over the course of the two weeks, we also convened an early-career research workshop at Mid-Western University in Surkhet and a policy-maker roundtable aimed at understanding the role of the provincial government in monitoring and evaluation.


Watching climate politics


Where next for the global goal on adaptation: roundtable report