Accountable Adaptation ECR Workshop in London

In January, Accountable Adaptation convened an ECR workshop in London. It was a fantastic opportunity for academics nearer the start of their careers to share their work in a supportive and dynamic space. The group was made up of researchers exploring environmental questions drawing on knowledge and expertise framings to get together to share ideas, challenges and experiences. The workshop kickstarted with a key note from Professor Lisa Vanhala from UCL’s Department of Political Science. Her research project Politics and Governance of Climate Change Loss and Damage (CCLAD) overlaps with the work of Accountable Adaptation and provided insight into the embodied and structural factors shaping actors’ decisions. The workshop participants came from various universities across the UK and Europe to present their research and gain valuable feedback from others in the room. It was a great success and we will be convening similar workshops like this in 2024!


Gobeshona Global Conference 2024 - making locally-led adaptation accountable


LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy ECR Workshop